Following the preventable death of their daughter Roxie, parents Doug Forbes and Elena Matyas quickly realized that abuse at camps was more common than they could have ever imagined.
Forbes and Matyas believe that they must parent Roxie in her death as they did in her life. Because Roxie was not only madly in love with childhood but also profoundly committed to showing compassion for children from all walks of life, Forbes and Matyas committed themselves to ensuring that no other child suffers as Roxie did.
CampAbuse.com was born out of necessity. The United States has long proved its indifference toward this critical issue. Federal legislation is absent. State legislation is scant at best. Far too many camps respond with little or no accountability when abuse occurs. Media offers only hit and run coverage. And children and families suffer for years if not lifetimes.
But the power of love for a child is far more potent than often acknowledged. Roxie’s legacy will live as a team of professionals unearths the truth, executes change and protects the innocent.